Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Knock Knock knocks it out of the park!

It's only 1 week away. The traditional sounds and smells of that Thanksgiving meal are fast approaching... The football game blaring in the living room, the sizzling of turkey in the oven, the kids fighting in the play room, Uncle Albert snoring in his favorite Lazy Boy chair, and probably you clanging the dishes around as you are the only one trying to clean up after all their mess. Frustrated? Perhaps your direct way of telling them that you need help no longer works in your household. Every family loves a great passive aggressive way of telling them you really care... about them getting off their butts and helping you out! Knock knock provides you with 60 sheets of "no holds barred," unadulterated checklists that allows you to pass around your idea of those family violations. Tell them what really annoys you with the "Things You Do That Really Piss Me Off" sheet. Too negative of an approach? Then let them know exactly what they need to do with the "Things Must You Do To Make Me Happy" pad.

While Knock Knock has many great novelty pads that are guaranteed to crack you up, they also have pretty useful items that can help keep you organized. Our top selling pads, "Planning the Menu" and "Pack This," keep even the most scatter brained individual on track. So start packing those suitcases and make up your grocery list. Thanksgiving is officially here!!!

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